ISEBA 2022
The recent COVID-19 pandemic caused a digital surge in the ways economic life, business, or education are perceived or conducted. The pandemic proved that small and large businesses, industries, and the whole economies can be suddenly upended by massive technological shifts. Hence, there is a need for a theoretical research update in leadership in business and economics that would bring new insights into the business’ world with a focus on sustainable leadership and organizational resilience.
College of Business Management & Accounting (COBA), Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) is proud to announce that our International Symposium & Exhibition on Business and Accounting 2022 (ISEBA 2022) will be held virtually on 28 September 2022 with the theme “Accelerating Transformation towards Sustainable and Resilient Business: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Crisis”. ISEBA 2022 is an effective platform to connect delegates from diverse research areas to productively communicate and engage in exchanging innovative ideas and the latest findings. In addition to that, we hope this platform may inspire future collaborations among delegates.
Main Committee